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The No-Girlfriend Rule

What will Kentucky Book Festival visitors find on your table?
Stickers, buttons, bookmarks, d20’s, and a good time!

Whom do you invite to stop by? Who will benefit from reading your book?
If you’ve ever needed a nerdy, joyful hug in book form, stop by, because The No-Girlfriend Rule is for you! I love connecting with folks like Hollis, who have always felt a little outside of things, or like they’re too anxious or too fat or too nerdy to fit in. Please come say hi and I’ll make sure you know you’re absolutely worth being the hero of your own story! Also any D&D players in attendance should come say hi and tell me all about your campaign. I want to know every geeky detail!

Could you please tell us something curious about you and/or your book?
Like the characters in The No-Girlfriend Rule, I’m a big TTRPG nerd. My not-so-secret wish is to turn the setting the girls’ play in in the book into a playable module for readers.

Is this your first time participating in Kentucky Book Festival? If yes – what are you looking forward to
the most? If you’ve participated before – what was your favorite experience at the Festival?
This is my first Kentucky Book Festival! My book is set in Covington, Kentucky, and I’m really excited to meet more Kentucky book nerds. My absolute favorite thing is when local readers get all my silly little local references!

About the Author

When Christen Randall, a queer, fat, neurodivergent author, is not writing joyful stories for the next generation of geeky gay kids, you can find them working at their local library branch or at home planning all the D&D campaigns they’ll run one day, they swear. The No-Girlfriend Rule, their debut novel and an instant USA Today Bestseller, is a queer YA romance in which her boyfriend’s “no girlfriends at the table” rule prompts a high school senior to join an all-girls group of roleplaying game Secrets & Sorcery, only for an in-game crush between her character and a charismatic girl’s to develop into a sweet real-life romance.
