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J.R. Ward to Participate in the Kentucky Book Festival with “The St. Ambrose School for Girls”

J.R. Ward to Participate in the Kentucky Book Festival with “The St. Ambrose School for Girls”

August 14, 2023





What will Kentucky Book Festival visitors find on your table?

ST. AMBROSE SCHOOL FOR GIRLS- this is a book of my heart, the story of a teenage girl with a different kind of mind at a prep school where the conventional is the only thing allowed to thrive (written under Jessica Ward).


DARIUS- this is an important origin story for the Black Dagger Brotherhood series.

LASSITER- this book, the most recent, is a huge turning point for the Black Dagger Brotherhood series.

LOVER ARISEN- this is the lead in to LASSITER, a great set up for his book!


Whom do you invite to stop by? Who will benefit from reading your book?

Any fans of the Black Dagger Brotherhood series, of course!  (And they should bring their books and merch for signing!)  And I would like to mention the St. Ambrose School for Girls- I think anyone who remembers being an outsider in high school might find parallels to their own experience here.


Could you please tell us something curious about you and/or your book?

I’m actually really boring!  Most people are surprised by this, considering the high drama, high adventure books that I write- but the thing is, if I’m out in the real world, I’m not recording the stories in my head!


Is this your first time participating in Kentucky Book Festival? If yes – what are you looking forward to the most? If you’ve participated before – what was your favorite experience at the Festival?

This will be my second time!  And I just love meeting readers.  It’s such a high point for me!



Jessica Ward is a pseudonym for the #1 New York Times bestselling author who writes as J.R. Ward and has over 20 million copies in print. She enjoys spending time in the Adirondacks and lives in the south with her family and her dogs.