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Thin Air

Stop by my table at the Kentucky Book Festival to get your signed copy of my young adult thriller, THIN AIR, along with exclusive swag like character art and map prints!

This fast-paced, locked-door mystery with a touch of romance is for teens and anyone who enjoys staying up late to read “just one more chapter.”

Although I’ve never been on a private jet like the one in THIN AIR, I’ve flown many times. Growing up as a military kid, I moved every 6 months to 3 years–including overseas stints in Italy and Hawaii, and a visit to Paris (the destination in the book).

This will be my first Kentucky Book Festival, and what I’m most looking forward to is spending a whole day meeting readers and getting to talk about one of my favorite subjects–books, of course!

About the Author

Kellie M. Parker is an award-winning writer of young adult fantasy and thrillers. A flight to Paris full of teenagers seeking opportunity turns deadly in her latest novel, Thin Air, a suspenseful, locked-door YA thriller.
