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Ghost Tamer

What will Kentucky Book Festival visitors find on your table?

Ghost Tamer is a true genre-bender! Marketed as paranormal suspense, it’s won awards in SciFi Fantasy, been put on a few horror lists—Ipersonally would say horror lite at best, I’m a wus—and definitely has elements of mystery, lots of humor, and delves into grief. Aspiringcomedian Raely is riding the Chicago El with her best friend when the train flies offthe rails, killing everyone except her. And now she can seeghosts. One of whom says he’s been with her all her life, and another trying to destroy her and take her soul.

I’ll also be doing a giveaway! You’ll have a chance to enter to win an ARC of my next book, A Dagger of Lightning, a fantasy romance releasingApril 1st.

Whom do you invite to stop by? Who will benefit from reading your book?

Readers who enjoy falling in love with the characters on the page, snarky banter, and a bit of emotional depth. Two of my favorite Goodreadsreviews sum it up well: “A fun and tense book about generational trauma and the power of forgiveness hidden inside a snarky ghoststory.” “This book is not just a ghost story but a beautiful story of loss, love and letting go.” Since Ghost Tamer is such a genre bender, awide variety of readers will enjoy it. The prose is accessible, so even if you’re not typically a paranormal/suspense/mystery/fantasy reader, ifyou’re looking to cautiously branch out from your normal reads, this might be a nice bridge. For that reason, and some of the discussion aroundloss and love, it makes a great book club read. (I’m happy to Zoom in to book clubs, or even appear in person if they’re close to Nashville!)

Could you please tell us something curious about you and/or your book?

When I was young, I had my own friendly ghost! I used to wake up to find a girl pacing at the foot of my bed. She was always in an impassionedmonologue, really trying to work something out. If I ever tried to comment on something she said, she would look at me, then vanish. I neverremembered this in the morning and I wasn’t scared. Then one day, I woke up and she was standing right at the head of my bed, smiling down onme. Huge, ecstatic smile. She said, “Goodbye!” I asked, “Where ya going?” She vanished. I remembered all the other times. Years later, in my 20s,I told a friend this story. She asked, “Did your mom have a miscarriage before you?” Surprised, I said she had. “It was your sister checking up onyou.” Now I like to believe that when she said goodbye, she was offto finally be born somewhere.

Is this your first time participating in Kentucky Book Festival? If yes – what are you looking forward to the most? If you’ve participated before –what was your favorite experience at the Festival?

I’m excited to experience my first Kentucky Book Festival! I’m looking forward to meeting newreaders, befriending new authors, and maybe even finding some new books to love. As a bonus, I get to visit Kentucky, which is so gorgeous. Ialways love the drive.

About the Author

Meredith R. Lyons grew up in New Orleans, collecting two degrees from Louisiana State University before running away to Chicago to be an actor, where she made martial arts and yoga her full-time day job before relocating to Nashville. In her fast-paced debut, Ghost Tamer, a young woman discovers why she was the lucky one to survive a train crash while also facing, and conquering shadows from her past that won’t let her go.
