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A Home for Friendless Women

What will Kentucky Book Festival visitors find on your table? 

The book, of course! If I can find them, I hope to have newspaper articles about the actual Home for Friendless Women as well as photos of pregnant women from the 19th century

Whom do you invite to stop by? 

Everyone! While deemed “historical fiction” the book holds an appeal to a wide audience, shining a light on a part of our history seldom discussed.

 Who will benefit from reading your book? 

Again everyone. The late teens-20-somethings will see that while our country has changed in many ways, it   hasn’t changed all that much. This in turn might encourage them to become more active in issues that do and will affect their futures.

Could you please tell us something curious about you and/or your book? 

Before pursuing a writing career, I was a high school Spanish teacher in rural Texas.

Is this your first time participating in Kentucky Book Festival? If yes – what are you looking forward to the most? If you’ve participated before – what was your favorite experience at the Festival?

My first time! I’m excited to discover new authors and books.

About the Author

Kelly Hill has a PhD from the University of Louisville and an MFA in fiction from Spalding University. Set in Victorian-era Louisville, A Home for Friendless Women follows the Home’s benevolent benefactors and several of the fallen women who live there through their daily religious lessons and hard work while grappling with a terrible secret that has the power to unravel the Home entirely.
