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The Act of Disappearing

What will Kentucky Book Festival visitors find on your table? 

The Act of Disappearing (Mira / HarperCollins), a page-turning, dual-timeline novel about a haunting photograph that captured a woman’s death, and the young writer hired to investigate the incredible, heartbreaking story behind it. 

Whom do you invite to stop by? Who will benefit from reading your book? 

Those who will love the book include readers of fast-paced historical fiction, dual-timeline novels, literary mysteries, and stories that center Kentucky and Kentuckians. Readers who enjoy stories that have both a “big hook” and complex themes will enjoy the book as well. 

Could you please tell us something curious about you and/or your book? 

The Act of Disappearing opens with an image: a photograph taken in 1964 of a woman falling from a train bridge into the Ohio River, clutching to her chest what appears to be a baby. The rest of the book is a race to discover all the mysteries embedded in that image. That image was inspired by a memory of my maternal grandmother: when I was a young boy, I 

was with my Mamaw on the riverfront of my small, western Kentucky hometown, and she looked up at a looming train bridge stretched across the Ohio River and said, dreamy-eyed and distant, “I wonder what it would be like to fall from up there.” 

Is this your first time participating in Kentucky Book Festival? If yes – what are you looking forward to the most? If you’ve participated before – what was your favorite experience at the Festival? 

Yes, this is my first time participating in the Kentucky Book Festival! I’m mostly looking forward to interacting with Kentucky readers (or those who have an interest in the state), who I hope will see the complex lives of Kentuckians and the rich cultures of our state represented in the pages of the The Act of Disappearing. 

About the Author

Nathan Gower is a professor of English at Campbellsville University with an MFA in fiction from Spalding University and a PhD in humanities from the University of Louisville. Alternating between present-day Brooklyn and Kentucky as it enters the 1960s, The Act of Disappearing chronicles the days of Julia White, a bartender and debut author, struggling to make ends meet while unraveling the mystery of a strange photograph with a story more staggering than anything she could have imagined.
