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The Levi Effect

What will Kentucky Book Festival visitors find on your table?

At my table you’ll find copies of my most recent release, The Levi Effect, as well as copies of my first book, Snow Angels. The Levi Effect is a young-adult story with a sci-fi twist about an alien-like creature born from a bad batch of moonshine. Over the course of the story, sixteen-year-old Levi and his relationships are tested in unpredictable ways as chaos from the supernatural effects of the moonshine take hold and change the small coal mining town of Hamben, Kentucky forever. Snow Angels is a new-adult contemporary fiction story focusing on the main character Michael and his serious, and often times funny, struggles with bipolar depression and anxiety while trying to make it in New York City. Each book will have an accompanying bookmark and there will be candy too!

Whom do you invite to stop by? Who will benefit from reading your book?

Filled with emotion and lots of heart, I think my books have a little something for all lovers of fiction, but those who are interested in young-adult fiction with male protagonists definitely will want to stop by! Also, for those looking for a book set in Kentucky, you’ll feel right at home with The Levi Effect.

Something curious about you and/or your book?

The fictional town of Hamben, Kentucky in The Levi Effect is actually an anagram for Benham, a real life coal mining town in south eastern Kentucky where my grandparents live. When I first started creating the plot, all I knew was that I wanted to write a story centered around moonshine. It wasn’t until I visited my grandparents one year for Christmas that I realized I had the perfect setting for my book. So, the look and the feel of the fictional Hamben is very much inspired by my own experiences and memories of Benham.

Is this your first time participating in the Kentucky Book Festival? If yes – what are you looking forward to most?

This is my first time participating in the Kentucky Book Festival, and I’m so excited! I can’t wait to meet all the readers as well as the other authors. It’s going to be a lot of fun!

About the Author

After graduating from the University of Kentucky with a Bachelor’s degree in English, Zach Garland fulfilled his childhood dream in 2017 when he published his first book, Snow Angels. His second novel, The Levi Effect follows the story of 16-year-old Levi and the aftermath of a bad batch of Kentucky moonshine. 
