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Woe & Awe

What will Kentucky Book Festival visitors find on your table?
At my table, visitors will find a spirit of fun, gratitude, and “awe” for the arts community we’ve created in Kentucky. And chocolate, of course.

Whom do you invite to stop by? Who will benefit from reading your book?
Everyone is invited to my Festival table. Read my book, Woe & Awe, if you want the encouragement to see the inherent strength in your own stories of perseverance and also to find reminders that the healing remedies for the tough stuff are as close as the natural world in your backyard and sanctuaries of every sort.

Could you please tell us something curious about you and/or your book?
It might be interesting to know that the cover of my book is a photo though it looks like a painting! I took it during a hike through Cumberland Falls State Park in Corbin, Kentucky and didn’t intend it as a cover. But when I posted it to social media as a compelling representation of my great weekend hike with friends, a moment of synchronicity caught my publisher, Katerina Stoykova at Accents. She contacted me immediately to say, “This photo might be more your book cover than your current book cover.” She was right.

Is this your first time participating in Kentucky Book Festival? If yes – what are you looking forward to the most? If you’ve participated before – what was your favorite experience at the Festival?
I’m honored and so happy to say that I’m participating in the Festival as an author for the third time. My favorite experiences are always talking with readers, other writers, and Festival organizers and volunteers over a mutual love of good writing and celebration.

About the Author

A community-building mind-body health specialist and social justice advocate, Lisa M. Miller has 25 years as an energy healer, is trained in clinical chaplaincy, and serves a wide demographic through support groups and workshops. Her debut poetry collection, Woe & Awe invokes the voices of female ancestors, physical and spiritual, in poems of timeless perspective and contemporary language with fearless depth and beauty.
