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Dancing on the Page

What will Kentucky Book Festival visitors find on your table? 

My fifth collection of poetry, Dancing on the Page, as well as my other four titles. I will also have the Summer Tour Trilogy available. And a little art in the form of painted objects to entice you to my table with colorful beauty. Because I practice dot painting, each dot represents every word in my books. It is a symbiotic creative process. 

Whom do you invite to stop by? Who will benefit from reading your book? 

Everyone is invited to stop by. If you like music of any kind, you may love my books. Weaving music, responding to art, and rejoicing in my love of gardening and cooking are themes found in all eight of my books. But, if you’re a teenager, I’m going to wave you over. Summer Tour Trilogy is YA literature. As founder of Teen Howl Poetry Series, and retired teacher, children are my heart and soul. 

Could you please tell us something curious about you and/or your book? 

I use music, art, and writing to overcome trauma. I hope my books serve those seeking a path from not just surviving, but thriving. 

Is this your first time participating in Kentucky Book Festival? If yes – what are you looking forward to the most? If you’ve participated before – what was your favorite experience at the Festival? 

This is the second time I’ve been honored to participate. What I love most about the festival is the opportunity to greet readers and to build relationships with other writers. Building community is my life’s work, why I founded Poetry at the Table at Kenwick Table, a monthly open mic poetry series in Lexington, Kentucky. 

About the Author

Elizabeth Beck is a poet who writes fiction and the founder of two poetry series: Teen Howl and Poetry at the/ˈtā-bəl/ in Lexington, Kentucky. Her fifth collection of poems, Dancing on the Page, a memoir in verse, is an homage to the soundtrack of the process of a poet becoming herself.
