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Everyday Joys Devotional: 40 Days of Reflecting on the Intersection of Ordinary and Divine

What will Kentucky Book Festival visitors find on your table?

Everyday Joys Devotional: 40 Days of Reflecting on the Intersection of Ordinary and Divine

Everyday Joys Devotional is an invitation to seek God and recognize His divine presence in even themost “ordinary” moments. Whether folding clothes, tackling the day’s to-do list, or wondering howfingerprints got on the ceiling, join bestselling author Tama Fortner in seeing and experiencing joyson the holy ground right where you are.With forty short, sometimes humorous and always real and thought-provoking devotions, thisinteractive devotional invites you to ponder the possibilities of a life lived fully in the presence ofGod. 

The Gospel Story for Kids: God’s Story of Love from Creation to Revelation

The Bible is one great big story―the Gospel Story! From beginning to end, it’s the Good News ofJesus and how he came to save everyone. All the people in the Bible and all their stories fit togetherto tell that amazing news.The Gospel Story for Kids combines 18 Bible stories into a full-color 32-page resource to make God’sbig story of love clear for kids! Discover a floating zoo, a talking snake, miraculous escapes, ashepherd boy’s rags-to-riches story, and more! 

God, I Feel Sad

Kids have big feelings, but none of their feelings are too big for God. Written in partnership withlicensed counselor Michelle Nietert, God, I Feel Sad helps children safely explore what it means to feel sad, discover healthy ways to process their sadness, and learn that sad isn’t something they needto avoid. In fact, it’s something that helps us grow closer to God and to others. 

God, I Feel Scared

Fear is God’s way of sounding an alarm and letting us know something might be wrong.

Written in partnership with licensed counselor Michelle Nietert, God, I Feel Scared will help childrendiscover that God gave us feelings for a reason—even not-so-fun-to-feel emotions like scared. God, IFeel Scared teaches kids to recognize their fears, offers techniques for processing emotions, andencourages them to talk to God about their feelings. 

Simply Christmas: A Busy Mom’s Guide to Reclaiming the Peace of the Holidays: A Devotional

Between holiday baking, hunting for the perfect tree, decorating, preparing for visiting relatives, andmaking sure everyone gets the ideal gift, Christmas can be anything but peaceful for a busy mom.Too often, the stress and busyness of the season make it difficult to find time to just sit and reflect onthe wonder of the Savior’s birth. If this sounds familiar, allow Simply Christmas to be your personal invitation to slow down and savorthe beauty of the manger this year. This 31-day devotional includes a short reflection and scripture foreach day, along with points to ponder and fun ideas for simplifying your Christmas traditions. 

Whom do you invite to stop by? Who will benefit from reading your book?

Whether you’re a kid, a parent, grandparent, teacher, or just all-around bookish person like me, you’ll find abook to treasure, either for yourself or for a little in your life. My books are faith-based, fun, and engaging—and each is written with the hope of inspiring readers to a deeper and more wonderful connection to the Godwho loves us all. 

Could you please tell us something curious about you and/or your book?

My favorite writing partner—and all-around partner in mischief—has four legs! He’s a feisty little floof of apup named Beanie, and he’s great for bouncing around ideas . . . and tennis balls. Best of all? Beanie thinksI’m the most brilliant writer ever! (You don’t think that has anything to do with all those peanut butter treatsI give him, do you?) 

Is this your first time participating in Kentucky Book Festival? If yes – what are you looking forwardto the most? If you’ve participated before – what was your favorite experience at the Festival?

This year will be my second time to participate in the Kentucky Book Festival, and I’m even more excitedthis year than I was last year. Why? Because now I know how many awesome and amazing readers—of allages—I’ll get to meet! 

About the Author

Tama Fortner is an ECPA award-winning and bestselling author with more than sixty titles to her credit including collaborations with such well-known authors as Max Lucado, Levi Lusko, Sadie Robertson Huff, and Emily Ley. Everyday Joys Devotional is an invitation to see and experience joy with forty short, sometimes humorous and always real and thought-provoking interactive devotions.
