Narrated in alternating voices and set against the backdrop of an economically depressed Appalachian town, Morris's The Stone Catchers explores the immeasurable pain and trauma experienced by the survivors of a school shooting.
Rebecca Redding
The Sticky Note Manifesto of Aisha Agarwal, starts with a deal to get Aisha out of her comfort zone so she can write a college essay, follows a series of sticky note to-dos and dares she accepts in exchange for helping Quentin pass math class, and leaves Aisha and the reader contemplating if winning is […]
This comprehensive volume contains historical essays, hundreds of historical and contemporary photographs, and biographical sketches profiling award-winning African American musicians, songwriters, recording artists, singers, and entertainers who have performed on television, in films, and on stage.
The Song of Sourwood Mountain, returns to the mountains of Eastern Kentucky to share the story of a schoolteacher at an Appalachian mission school and a young mountain girl yearning for family.
Written with George Stephanopoulos, The Situation Room provides the definitive, past-the-security-clearance look at the White House Situation Room and the people — the famous and those you’ve never heard of — who have made history within its walls.
With Novgorodoff, award-winning author Chef JJ Johnson takes readers on an informative and exciting culinary adventure through The Simple Art of Rice that will help anyone master the art of cooking rice.
The Original Louisville Slugger addresses the myths surrounding the larger-than-life figure Louis "Pete" Rogers Browning, uncovers the thin line between fact and fiction, and presents an extensive account of the man, and legendary ball player.
The No-Girlfriend Rule, their debut novel and an instant USA Today Bestseller, is a queer YA romance in which her boyfriend’s “no girlfriends at the table” rule prompts a high school senior to join an all-girls group of roleplaying game Secrets & Sorcery, only for an in-game crush between her character and a charismatic girl’s […]
The Lost Story, inspired by C. S. Lewis's The Chronicles of Narnia, is a fairy tale for grown-ups who still knock on the back of wardrobes just in case.
The poems in The Loneliest Whale in the World, have been called “prayers [and] a way to remind us that we are not alone, that there is a world inside this world, and it is beautiful.”
His second novel, The Levi Effect follows the story of 16-year-old Levi and the aftermath of a bad batch of Kentucky moonshine.
In The Late Rebellion, the residents of Germantown, a small South Carolina community that nestles in the folds of the Appalachian Mountains, challenge traditional notions of what it means to be Southern, and what it means to be accepted, particularly when the old ways begin to crumble.