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Foraging Kentucky

What will Kentucky Book Festival visitors find on your table? 

My first published book titled Foraging Kentucky: An Introduction to the Edible Plants, Fungi, and TreeCrops of the Southeast. I’ll be available to answer questions and sign copies of the book. 

Whom do you invite to stop by? Who will benefit from reading your book? 

I invite anyone with an interest in the plants and fungi found in the southeastern region of North America(especially Kentucky). This book will be of great use to any forager, gardener, hiker, bush crafter, naturalist,botanist, ecologist, and ecological steward. 

Could you please tell us something curious about you and/or your book? 

I’m a self-directed student and teacher of botany, ecology, agroforestry, and natural history. Additionally, Iam an avid reader, writer, conservationist, forager, angler, and backpacker. 

Is this your first time participating in Kentucky Book Festival? If yes – what are you looking forwardto the most? If you’ve participated before – what was your favorite experience at the festival? 

Yes, this is my first time participating in the Kentucky Book Festival. I’m mostly looking forward toengaging with people about the need for a strong nature connection and the many wild foods that Kentuckyhas to offer.

About the Author

Author, forager, and environmental educator George Barnett owns and operates the Hungry Forager, an educational program based in the Bluegrass region and focused on teaching people about wild edibles, ethnobotany, ecology, and agroforestry. Complete with high-definition color photographs, recipes, and short history lessons, Foraging Kentucky is an expansive beginners’ guide chock-full of crucial information for readers who want to safely and ethically forage the delectable foods naturally available in Kentucky’s great outdoors.
