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I Am Not Santa Claus!

What will Kentucky Book Festival visitors find on your table?
My NEW children’s book, I Am NOT Santa Claus! A hilariously clever picture book about a man with a white beard and a red hat who, despite all evidence to the contrary, insists that he is NOT Santa Claus. (Perfect for fans of How to Catch Santa Claus, How to Catch a Reindeer, and How to Catch an Elf!) I will also have some free stickers, bookmarks and other goodies so be sure to stop bye and say hello!

Whom do you invite to stop by? Who will benefit from reading your book?
Anyone who likes funny kids books and free stickers and bookmarks! Kids (ages 1-100) will enjoy my new book, It’s the perfect stocking stuffer for the Christmas lover in your life! And who doesn’t like a free sticker!?

Could you please tell us something curious about you and/or your book?
My book is a bit of a mystery – Everyone, look! It’s Santa Claus! He says he’s just a regular old man! But he has a fluffy white beard and a red coat and hat, and even says “Ho ho ho”! He must be Santa Claus! Right? Is this the real Santa Claus? Stop by and find out for yourself!

Is this your first time participating in Kentucky Book Festival? If yes – what are you looking forward to the most? If you’ve participated before – what was your favorite experience at the Festival?
This is my second time participating in the Kentucky Book Festival and I’m so excited to be coming back. I had such an amazing experience last time at the festival meeting so many awesome people and sharing my books!

About the Author

Author and illustrator T. L. McBeth’s work has been featured by Macmillan, Scholastic, Penguin Random House, Threadless, McDonald’s, Today, The Wall Street Journal, the Society of Illustrators and is part of the permanent collection of the Mazza Museum. His latest picture book, I Am Not Santa Claus! is a hilariously clever story about a man with a white beard and a red hat who, despite all evidence to the contrary, insists that he is NOT Santa Claus.
