Exquisitely written; expertly crafted; dazzling in its precision, restraint, and depth of feeling, Groundskeeping is a novel of haunting power and grace from a prodigiously gifted young writer.
Books & Authors

Griffinology is a fascinating, beautifully illustrated exploration of the mythical creature's many depictions in human culture.
In her latest book, Greta’s Gumbo, imagination rules when a young girl summons the help of a hyperactive monkey, a curious rabbit, and a frozen penguin while shopping for groceries for her family.
Laurie Brock, Episcopal priest, messy Christian, and horse lover, shares the experiences of love, grief, humility, joy, and deep wisdom that she discovers day to day with horses. From barely-there trails in the Grand Tetons to muddy fields in the Kentucky Bluegrass, God is revealed in the simple ways of these magnificent creatures.
The harvesting of wild American ginseng (panax quinquefolium), the gnarled, aromatic herb known for its therapeutic and healing properties, is deeply established in North America and has played an especially vital role in the southern and central Appalachian Mountains. Traded through a trans-Pacific network that connected the region to East Asian markets, ginseng was but […]
Gideon Shryock, Kentucky’s first formally trained architect, brought the international style of the Greek Revival to Kentucky and the American West, and in the process imparted a template of architectural and professional dignity for others to follow. Over the course of a half-century career distinguished by a considerable body of projects, he became one of […]
Based on the real-life experiences of author C.W. Shumate’s great-grandfather, Ghosts of Blackberry Holler is an exhilarating journey through American history and a stirring account of war and peace, triumph and defeat, hostility and friendship, love lost and found, and the elusive pursuit of unconditional redemption.
In her fast-paced debut, Ghost Tamer, a young woman discovers why she was the lucky one to survive a train crash while also facing, and conquering shadows from her past that won't let her go.
George Graham Vest-The Life and Times of Dog's Best Friend provides a detailed look at George Graham Vest, a distinguished attorney and politician known as a champion for the rights of Native Americans and who helped establish Yellowstone National Park.
Geneva’s Garden: Four Seasons of Beauty in Lexington’s Gratz Park is a collection of his photographs shot over the course of a year in the private garden of Elvis and Geneva Donaldson, a sylvan retreat and community hub.
His most recent book, Generals and Admirals, Criminals and Crooks analyzes the bases and motives leading to American military missteps of the past one hundred years and explores what could be done to curtail future misconduct of generals and admirals.
As a young man Frederick Douglass (1818–1895) escaped from slavery in Baltimore, Maryland. He was fortunate to have been taught to read by his slave owner mistress, and he would go on to become one of the major literary figures of his time. His very existence gave the lie to slave owners: with dignity and […]