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Races, Games, and Olympic Dreams

Tom Hammond

What will Kentucky Book Festival visitors find on your table?
It’s my first Festival so I really don’t know what to expect, but I would assume copies of the book will be at the table, plus Mark and I will be there to chat with visitors.

Whom do you invite to stop by? Who will benefit from reading your book?
I think UK sports fans, racing fans and Olympics lovers would enjoy the book…….in fact, sports fans in general. Plus, those who are interested in UK, Lexington and Kentucky history may be interested in my background.

Could you please tell us something curious about you and/or your book?
Though my work has taken me all around the World, I have chosen to spend my whole life in Lexington. I’ve been lucky, because in my era, it was extremely rare to work for one of the networks (at that time there were only three) with having only been employed in a smaller market like Lexington. The result is nearly 7 million miles flown, 6 of that on Delta. Many of the stories from those broadcast sporting events are recounted in the book.

Is this your first time participating in Kentucky Book Festival? If yes – what are you looking forward to the most?If you’ve participated before – what was your favorite experience at the Festival?
It’s my first festival and, as an avid reader (especially history), I am looking forward to interacting with potential readers of our book.

Mark Story

What will Kentucky Book Festival visitors find on your table?
Since this is the first book for both Tom and I, we will only be featuring our forthcoming book, “Races, Games and Olympic Dreams: A Sportscaster’s Life.”

Whom do you invite to stop by? Who will benefit from reading your book?
Fans of Kentucky native and long-time NBC sportscaster Tom Hammond. Sports fans. Those interested in Lexington and Central Kentucky history. Those who want an inside look at how a long-running, network- level sports broadcasting career is conducted.

Could you please tell us something curious about you and/or your book?
I am a Lexington Herald-Leader sports columnist. So on many days during the preparation of this book, I would write for the newspaper in the morning and then work on the book in the late afternoons and early evenings.

Is this your first time participating in Kentucky Book Festival? If yes – what are you looking forward to the most?If you’ve participated before – what was your favorite experience at the Festival?
This will be the first Kentucky Book Festival for both Tom and me as authors. I am most looking forward to being around people who love books and reading and getting to meet other authors.

About the Author

American sports broadcaster Tom Hammond retired after a renowned rise to the top levels of sportscasting including a thirty-four-year career with NBC Sports. Mark Story has been a sports reporter with the Lexington Herald-Leader for more than three decades. In Races, Games, and Olympic Dreams, along with cowriter Story, Hammond offers an intimate and gripping look at his experiences from broadcasting from thirteen Olympic Games and sixteen Kentucky Derbys to providing the play-by-play voice for Notre Dame football and announcing SEC men’s basketball. 
