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She Remembered It All: The Art of Memory Painter Helen LaFrance

What will Kentucky Book Festival visitors find on your table?

Since my books are about two artists from western Kentucky, my table will include photos of Helen LaFrance, Ellis Wilson, and their artwork. I’ll also have coloring pages based on their artwork. And of course there will be candy💙💙

Whom do you invite to stop by? Who will benefit from reading your book?

I hope to see young readers and their grown-ups stop by to learn about the artists and their art. I love telling stories about Kentuckians they may not know yet.

Could you please tell us something curious about you and/or your book?

I decided to write about Helen LaFrance after meeting her in Mayfield, Kentucky (her hometown) about 25 years ago. She was a very modest, almost shy person, but her creative spirit spoke loud and clear in her paintings, carvings, quilts, and other work she made over the years. She captured life as she saw it during her long life, then preserved those eras for us to see in her artwork.

Is this your first time participating in Kentucky Book Festival? If yes – what are you looking forward to the
most? If you’ve participated before – what was your favorite experience at the Festival?

This will be my fifth appearance at the Kentucky Book Festival as an author (though I attended countless times before as a reader and volunteer). I love to see the connection between readers and writers. There’s nothing more special to a writer than when a reader says a book touched them in some way. That’s magic.

About the Author

Kentucky writer and attorney Jayne Moore Waldrop writes fiction, poetry, and children’s books, and has work in several literary journals and anthologies. Michael McBride, a Nashville, Tennessee-based artist and a professor at Tennessee State University, has illustrated over 75 children’s books. She Remembered It All: The Art of Memory Painter Helen LaFrance, Waldrop’s second children’s book, explores the life and art of Helen LaFrance, a Kentucky memory painter and outsider artist who captured a lively, vibrant view of rural life in a changing world.
