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Julian R. Vaca to Participate in the Kentucky Book Festival with “The Memory Index”

Julian R. Vaca to Participate in the Kentucky Book Festival with “The Memory Index”

August 18, 2023




What will Kentucky Book Festival visitors find on your table?

My debut title, The Memory Index, and its sequel, The Recall Paradox! My duology takes place in a reimagined 1980s, where hyper memory loss afflicts mankind, and the quartet of heroes—led by the brave, empathetic Freya Izquierdo—must unlock the mystery of Memory Killer.



Whom do you invite to stop by? Who will benefit from reading your book?

While my book is Young Adult, lovers of mystery and sci-fi should enjoy this series, which is jam-packed with action, retro sci-fi gadgets, and humor.


Could you please tell us something curious about you and/or your book?

Before I was traditionally published, I spent a few years self-publishing! I had always dreamed of releasing a book with a big five publisher, and now I can say I’ve published books in both worlds. I love sharing industry insights with budding writers.


Is this your first time participating in Kentucky Book Festival? If yes – what are you looking forward to the most? If you’ve participated before – what was your favorite experience at the Festival?

This is my first time. I’m really excited about connecting with readers and other authors. These types of festivals are so important; writing and reading can be a solitary endeavor, but book events connect us with our community.



Julian R. Vaca is a first generation Mexican American and a first-generation college graduate. The story in The Memory Index is set in an alternative 1987, where a disease ravages human memories. There is no cure, only artificial recall. The lucky ones, ”the recollectors” need the treatment only once a day.