What will Kentucky Book Festival visitors find on your table? On my table you will find my very first book, We All Count, along with posters and stickers that go along with the book. At my table you will of course find me, the author, but you will also find the […]
What will Kentucky Book Festival visitors find on your table? HER EYES WERE ON THE STARS: NANCY GRACE ROMAN, “MOTHER OF HUBBLE” SPACE TELESCOPE This picture book biography tells the story of how a young star lover overcame odds to become an astronomer and eventually become Chief of Astronomy at NASA. […]
What will Kentucky Book Festival visitors find on your table? Front and center on my table will be A Journey in Color: The Art of Ellis Wilson, my first children’s picture book. The book tells the story of Ellis Wilson, the acclaimed Harlem Renaissance painter who grew up in Mayfield in far […]
What will Kentucky Book Festival visitors find on your table? Kentucky Book Festival visitors will find on my table all three books in the Magic Pen Adventure series! In each book, a different middle schooler obtains a magic pen that makes everything they draw become real! In Monster Problems, sixth grader Brad […]
YOU are fighting for freedom from enslavement for yourself and others during the mid-1800s. Will you escape to freedom? And will you help others escape as part of the Underground Railroad’s network of freedom fighters? Step back in time to face the challenges and decisions that real […]
YOU are fighting for freedom from enslavement for yourself and others during the mid-1800s. Will you escape to freedom? And will you help others escape as part of the Underground Railroad’s network of freedom fighters? Step back in time to face the challenges and decisions that real people […]
What will Kentucky Book Festival visitors find on your table? My first children’s book, A is for Affrilachia, my more recent books and my newest collection of poems, The Love House Poems. Whom do you invite to stop by? Who will benefit from reading your book? Poetry fans and anyone interested […]
What will Kentucky Book Festival visitors find on your table? I will have three books at my table. I am a cross-genre writer (and reader!). You will find Intruder Alert, my early chapter book. Hunt for clues within the chapters to determine who the intruder is, and why is someone stealing […]
What will Kentucky Book Festival visitors find on your table? What a year! Three fun books to my name came out this year-the newest is the graphic novel of the hardest Bailey School Kids book to write (with Marcia T. Jones): Ghosts Don’t Eat Potato Chips. If that’s too scary, check out […]
What will Kentucky Book Festival visitors find on your table? Visitors will find my novel What the Jaguar Told Her, a magical realist tale set in Atlanta in 2001. It’s about a thirteen-year-old girl named Jade who comes to terms with her Mexican-American identity with help from Itztli, an elderly jaguar-storyteller. In […]
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